Professional Profile — August 29, 2016

Professional Profile

Currently finishing up my last semester of education at University of Wollongong, throughout my years at University and travelling my practices and interests have been moulded into what they are today. What interests me the most is shooting biographies and things of interest to me to shine light on amazing characters and places, I’ve never had much interest in fictional content although I have shot it from time to time. The medium I use to show my art is through the lens of a camera whether it is film or photography it depends on the time and place. I enjoy capturing images around the world and I have been able to do this with companies working in areas of social enterprise, I have shot in India and Fiji for companies and have done a lot of my own independent photography in other places. I enjoy shooting big waves and am always excited to see people going hard out there. In the future id like to move more into water film and photography moving me out of my comfort zone of film and shooting new things around the world. I’d like to tell more peoples stories through film as I find them interesting. Cambodia is the next places I will be travelling so stay posted for the shots and footage.


I am a graduate with a Bachelor of Digital Media and studied at University of Wollongong, my degree focused on film and photography. It has helped me understand the requirements to use these mediums on the field and create professional images and films. It has helped me film journalistic pieces, fictional pieces and professional sporting and portrait pieces. Some of my achievements include the films I’ve helped create in India and also mentoring a team of university students on journalistic film pieces in India. It has given me a future in film and photography in whichever direction I decide to go down, although I am hoping to travel with these skills and knowledge.


CAOS250 Done and Dusted!!!!! — November 10, 2015

CAOS250 Done and Dusted!!!!!

This last week we got all our interviews in line and are now running through the editing proccess together in preparation to handing in the documentary and and finishing the year !

We have a couple of nights arranged to get together and nut it all out together, i am really happy on how all the footage looks and how well we worked together in our group as well as the subjects we filmed.

Better late than never but we have Aristo G’s up to run the skateboard shoot in his house we will see if we can fit that into the video but as we have so much footage we dont want to make the film to long as we planned on having it fairly short.

It’ll be hard to cull some of the footage but it has to be done !

CAOS250 Flakers and Makers — October 29, 2015

CAOS250 Flakers and Makers

We have now got most of our footage and now we are just arranging it and what not.

Because myself and Keegan have a similar personality we are able to talk comfortably on what we want and which direction we want this to go once we have gotten all our footage.

Super pumped on editing it all together and looking at what we have achieved all we have to do now is get Geo’s interview as we have have Mitchell’s interview coming up this week and we should be done. We have put Aristo on the back burner until we can confirm a time to film with him.

CAOS250 Interviews and what not — October 16, 2015

CAOS250 Interviews and what not

Last week was study week and me and Keegan had different plans but i forgot to mention that we have finished of 2 interviews from the strawberry visions night (James and Mel) so i have been running through them and editing the footage to the audio that we where able to get separately.

We have had a couple of people bail on us thus far and its been hard to orchestrate and what not so Keegan has been focusing on his climbing friends and i have been focusing on Geo and her surfing which is fruitful and seems to be working really well!

We want to get some of Aristo skating is his bachelor pad but he is busy with this same subject so we will see how that goes.

Filtering through all the footage has been the target so far !

Project Prototype — October 6, 2015

Project Prototype

Beginning in the work shop week six i was inspired by the Makey Makey and how simple it was to create quite intricate pieces that you could interact with, and with almost no experience with writing/reading programming. Because the Makey Makey didn’t require any talent in that domain i was immediately drawn to it. The exact experiment was the banana keyboard that glen had set up as a demonstration for us, so as a class we all had our turns with experimenting what games we could play or in my case what else i could make into a key board.


0Y9A8800 0Y9A8799 0Y9A8798

These designs where drawn up in week 6 and have been key to the design of the prototype and the final project. The actual building of the design did not pose as a big task to me as i enjoyed the hands on fiddling around with surfboards and the Makey Makey. So i brain stormed some of the ideas for what kinds of music or sound would be incorporated within the key board a few quirky ones came up like crashing waves and skateboarding, but i narrowed it down to be a synth key board with the possible incorporation of the waves in the background. (Sound design is in the very early stages as there has been a large focus on whether or not the design will actually work)


Making the prototype was actually very straight forward, i used a multi function jigsaw tool and a regular cordless drill. The jigsaw tool was used to cut out the pieces of fibre glass, the tool was the perfect shape to make key board slots on the deck of an old snapped surfboard. And the cordless drill i used to make small incisions within those cut outs so that i could thread through wire and connect to the Makey Makey, and then my computer.



After all the incisions where made into the fibre glass I was able to thread through the wires so that they stuck out the other side for people to touch and play with. It was not very practical and didn’t look great so i made some small keys with aluminium and sticky taped them to the key cut outs. The aluminium was conductive enough so that it would still respond to the Makey Makey and therefor my computer.

Here is the keyboard on its own.



For the final project i have decided that i will be using a full length surfboard rather than this snapped in half one. The full length surfboard will give more effect of it being a real piano due to its size and shape. A bit of a paint job will be required, current black and white will be the first 2 steps.


Aluminium keys will be left behind in the final process and will be replaced with 3D printed keys, for a couple of reasons:

  1. Aesthetically they are much more effective and they are definitely more stable.
  2. Due to the miracle of 3D printing i am able to incorporate the wires within the key instead of behind the key.
  3. It removes the purpose of have a ground wire as i can incorporate the ground wire within the actual keys themselves

12116505_10154224817168776_926026750_o 12082745_10154224812898776_2069406183_o

CAOS250 Flying through the project — September 24, 2015

CAOS250 Flying through the project

This week and last week i have been filming Geo Matts surfing, which is difficult because the waves have been alright and its hard to miss out on the fun whilst you sit on the beach and film your good friends out there trading good waves and having a laugh whilst you yahoo them on the beach. But none the less i have been gathering some great footage that will make this doco a well rounded one !


Keegan got some good shots of his mates climbing as well. He went down the south coast and got a couple of good shots now we can do some interviews soon !

Computer Coding Exercises —

Computer Coding Exercises

Artist Statement

Screen Shot 2015-09-24 at 1.03.34 pm

I have drawn my inspiration from Andy Warhol in this project, i wanted to iterate over and over again the image on multiple different platforms rather than 1 image fade into another. So making the grid was was the hardest part to show the image of the little Indian man being copy and pasted over and over again. I have found that making the artwork fade quickly from one into another was also another very difficult part of this processing project, so basically in its current state it fades from one image to another very slowly so you will have to give it some time.

This coding acts almost like an optical illusion in a way it is hard to see the image fade into another and because it takes so long it has an effect of playing with your eyes. Andy Warhole’s use of iteration is displayed in three different ways as it is a moving piece of coding.

To gain the effect of the image fading into another i had to edit the images on another program so that they looked different when they move into another, so there are 4 separate photos included within this coding excersize.

Indian_man_low Indian_man_low_4 Indian_man_low_3 Indian_man_low_2

Coding below.

PImage img;
PImage img1;
PImage img2;
PImage img3;

int transparency1;
int transparency2;
int transparency3;

void setup(){
transparency1 = 255;
transparency2 = 0;
transparency3 = 0;
img = loadImage(“Indian_man_low.jpeg”);
img1 = loadImage(“Indian_man_low_2.jpeg”);
img2 = loadImage(“Indian_man_low_3.jpeg”);
img3 = loadImage(“Indian_man_low_4.jpeg”);

void draw(){
image(img, 0, 0);
if(transparency1 > 0){
image(img1, 0, 0);

image(img2, 0, 0);
if((transparency1 == 0) && (transparency2 < 255)){

image(img3, 0, 0);
if((transparency2 > 0)&&(transparency2==255)){

img = loadImage(“Indian_man_low_4.jpeg”);
image(img, 0, 0);
tint(50, 160, 20, 80);
image(img, 50, 0);

int x= width/3;
int y= height/3;
int size = 120;

for (int j = 0; j < 8; j++) {
y= height/(8+0)*(j+0);

for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
x= width/(8+0)*(i+0);



CAOS250 Lay Days — September 17, 2015

CAOS250 Lay Days

We had last week off, so we have basically just compared notes and rummaged through the footage and discussing where we are going to film the interviews and who else we are going to shoot for the project.

We where thinking Aristo Risi and possibly my friend Geo Matts who surfs and studies the same digital media subjects. Keegan has a friend Mitchell Scanlan-Bloor who climbs and scales large rock walls which is extremely interesting.

Now is the time to be most time efficient and possibly separate and film things solo so that we may get around doing this subject and the many others we currently have !

Next few weeks should be loose !

CAOS250 Strawberry Visions Shoot — September 3, 2015

CAOS250 Strawberry Visions Shoot

This week we where able to shoot 2 of our subjects at the same time ! In a little local bar in Wollongong called “Rad Bar” it was insanely rowdy. The 2 subjects that we tag teamed with our Canons where James Sherley and Mel Chapman, James was the gig manager i mentioned in my last post and Mel Chapman was just a pure fluke that i noticed was thrashing advertisements on Instagram saying she was doing live art as some of the bands where playing.

We plan on interviewing James and Mel within the coming week, it was to hard to film the interview there as we had a couple of the local brews and there was a crowd of 150 rock and rollers. We have decided to have it in my garage which is pretty tight fit.